Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Santa Barbara Sheriff Sued For Sexual Harassment, Then Resigns


The facts in this case don't add up. At least not after the Sheriff's prolonged pursuit and the Complainant's complicit behavior to get ahead.  Yes, the Sheriff was committing sexual harassment initially, and used his position of power to get what he wanted, if true, yet, at what point does the victim need to be accountable and lose her rights to claim harassment?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Minnesota Police Department Sgt. Accused of Sexual Harassment


One complainant said she was told, you need thicker skin, after coming forward alleging harassment.

The complainant in the aforementioned story was told she "had a nice ass," by the supervisor she reported to about a complaint that she had been racially discriminated against.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Complaint Filed in Federal Court in September by Lisa Sprada vs. Town Of Cheektowaga


The complaint in the above link, filed in September of this year by a female town employee is as bad as it gets.  We'll follow up to see what happens in this case in Buffalo, NY.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Chicago PD Sgt. Breimon Accused of Sexual Harassment: Not The First Time


Again, a Sgt. In the Chicago police department is accused of sexually harassing a fellow officer.  Like a prior blog entry about a Sgt. In the NYPD, this cop was accused before and nothing was done by the department.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NPR Story On Undocumented Farm Workers Who Are Sexually Harassed


We cited an article months ago about this pervasive problem. Good good to see that NPR is reporting on this.  It looks like the EEOC is making progress and assisting many victims in getting settlements.